PayPal wants more and more fees for just receiving money. IF YOU CAN, PLEASE USE CRYPTO-CURRENCIES.
Crypto currency | Wallet address |
XMR | 461NacXCPCmSH7xBgzamuYZJTxkk1zyCxCyqjUdMaBthQX76PqNX5s2YVypvvdVRCrHvSEU17Y9Vi9ieqScJTDCvNqAweqa |
ERC-20 |
0xc5B974409F9C7A644962b661cC4b7A9FB18c3782 |
BTC | 1FM1jaaYRevrdZDHbLRmp6s3rafvormS1i |
PayPal | click to donate |
There is more crypto currencies that can be used – just ask for a wallet address.
My philosophy was always similar to Open Source and hacker’s community of nineties. Reputation is measured by quality not by price of product (at least in hacker’s community). Price is measure of name & marketing, not quality.
Greatest masters I met or learnt from deal/share/exchange knowledge and experience. You can buy tech, knowledge but experience/understanding/excellence is unique and untransferable. You must earn it, you can’t buy it.
All information here are FREE. Least you can do is to click on Google advertisement below, which is FREE for you and it helps us to pay at least for costs of running server.
All experiments, material, fuel, food for my brain, sleepless nights, thousands of hours, you name it…is SPONSORED BY US.
Unfortunately business world doesn’t follow this philosophy and almost everything cost money.
Consider donation please if you find our experiments useful, interesting and information helpful. It allows even more experiments and more materials & parts to be tested !!!